Brian Webb spent many years working in a number of capacities for the US government. His duties took him to many parts of the world - some friendly and many not so friendly! In the course of his travels, often alone, his safety was totally dependent on what he did to keep himself safe. Open My Eyes captures the lessons he learned while on the road - lessons that kept him safe in some of the worlds most dangerous places.
Chapters in Open My Eyes include:
- Understanding the dangers
- Perceptions and Intuition
- Pre-Travel Preparation
- Hotel Safety and Security
- Situational Awareness
- Foreign Travel
- Basics of Hostage Survival
............and many more.
Brian's concise, personal writing style makes this book "an easy read." If you adopt and practice the advice he gives you will be far less likely to have a problem when next you travel and, should something unpleasant happen, you'll be better equipped to handle it.
It is unfortunate that so many people fall into the trap of believing that nothing bad is ever going to happen to them and if it does, they will be able to muddle through somehow. They believe that if they get in trouble in the US or overseas, someone is always going to come to their assistance. In the "real world" bad things do happen to good people and sometimes no one comes to help. Take responsibility for your own safety - no one cares more about you than you do!
Brian specializes in conducting training sessions for those people about
to depart on overseas Mission Trips. He can be contacted through his